
However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.
Winston Churchill

Strategies for a digital world

Digitisation and automation are not only changing the product and service requirements in companies, but are also changing the market environment and the way effective marketing is created and conducted.

Without developing and defining well founded strategy routes, companies are quickly talking to the wrong customers in the wrong place with irrelevant service applications and content. In short, they "waste" money and resources unnecessarily.

From Insights to Excellence

Uhura's advantage lies in the wide-ranging evaluation and collection of data points. Uhura works with its clients to develop strategies for the future of your marketing, a campaign or a digital product - based on data and fact-based analysis of customer behaviour and needs.

Together we find a better understanding and truly relevant project and service strategies for digital applications, campaigns, content and better marketing.

Vier Schritte der Strategie: Research & Analyse, Identify & Define, Build, Implement & Evaluate
Research and Analytics
Audience insights and definition
Brand strategy and brand sprints
Data strategy
UX Strategy
Content und UX Audits
Social and Content strategy
Communication strategy
Media strategy
Customer Journey Mapping
Touchpoint analysis
Logo Berliner Wasserbetriebe
UX/CX Strategy
Service design, prototyping and distribution planning
Logo Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe, Berlin
Digital communication strategy for the Cluster Initative
Logo Schlaraffia
Social media and content strategy

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